My Mission: To build rods that will help fish make bad decisions |
"I can't set foot in the same river twice, for when I do
neither the river, nor I will be the same." Heraclites |
will the river whispering run...there the enamored fish will
stay,...curious traitors, sleavesilk flies/Bewitch poor fishes wandring
John Donne |
While duct tape may be the handyman’s secret weapon. The Orange Scud is definitely the trout fisherman’s secret weapon.
a trout will not walk across the street for an armload of English
Setter hair, it is an established fact that a trout will eat every bit
of Golden Retriever fur it can get its hands on. With this in mind, for
tying this killer pattern our family uses the fur from all the families
Golden Retrievers past and present: fur saved from Chief, Ruff, Colby,
Red, Buck, Copper, Rip and Lucky are all blended together to tie this
pattern. It is tied on #12 scud hook using a gold bead and .020
thousand thick wire. It is heavy and sinks like a toolbox.
and friends refer to this killer pattern as the "family scud" and after
cautioning against misuse and over-harvesting, I do give someaway as
A trout sometimes leaps up right out of the water
to take your fly, then dives for rock, log, weeds, ledge, anything shading sun
in its clear water world, slicing your line in wild
Geometry, hurling its body into air
Against your arcing rod. Sometimes-face it-you end life by taking it in hand and cracking its head
so you can taste its gold,
But most of the time you hold its silver
and release your death from its jaw, full of awe as it lies stunned on silt slipping back into its skin, vanishes.
then you wonder why you're a creature who eats life but also plays it
in hand. O Lord, help me to feel the hook that plays me. But so many
So many times, lets me go.
Orval Lund
best concise description of a split bamboo fly rod I ever heard--one
that is both a description and an aspiration-- is that it is a 'useful
thing, beautifully made.' "
--George Black quoting Hiramam Hawes in Casting a Spell |
Photo by Tom Helgeson
Great Waters Expo |
Whitefish Studios

Kinni Land Trust
LDL Nets |